Cell Phone: +1-204-952-2539 Office Phone: +1-204-421-5544 Fax: +1-204-415-5545


About Us

Get to know more about Kaidmaz Immigration Consulting

KAIDMAZ Immigration Consulting is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultancy firm located at the nucleus of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. We are a licensed member of The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC).

Our expertise and professionalism testify to the cumulative achievements in the visa success rate of our clients by helping them to troubleshoot all immigration challenges and get their residency in Canada whether temporarily or permanently.

Under the authority of The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC). We represent our clients’ interest and constantly deploy a creative approach by suggesting other specific case documents that may boost the chance of our client’s visa approval.

As a consultancy firm, we treat each case and application uniquely, and our initial consultation charge is not neck-breaking. We privilege our clients first, and also provide free consultation service on how to initiate a successful visa application. 

As a global agency, we operate a vast network on different technological platforms in order to meet the demands of our fast-paced customers.

What more? Our customer service is 24/7 and we have created a social media handle for our clients to chat us directly. Get to know us today!

Get to know about our vision

To become the leading and global Canada’s immigration portal by building comfortable and highly compelling experience for our clients through our meticulous and personalised strategy towards taking you to your dreamland and phasing out visa application challenges. With this, we have developed client-based mechanisms that could help you stem all circumstances of visa application.

Get to know about our mission

To redefine the network of immigration experience by building the most secure, efficient and cost-effective visa processing. To kick start your Canada’s imagination into reality and ignite your moment of optimism on immigration challenges.

Our Values

  • Service leadership
  • Excellence in rapid response and timely execution
  • Professional ethics
  • Bridging multidisciplinary cultural gaps
  • Sense of urgency and intervention

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