Sponsor An Adopted Child

Eligibility for Adopted Child Sponsorship:

To be eligible for this program the following conditions have to be met:

Family Class applications are a high priority for the Canadian government they are deeply committed to keep families together and create pathways to join separated loved ones. Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and temporary foreign workers have the opportunity to bring their children and loved ones to Canada. Dependent and adopted children can live as permanent residents with their Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident parents in Canada. This can be done through the Child Sponsorship Program. This program is under the Family Class Immigration.

Eligibility for Adopted Child Sponsorship:

To be eligible for this program the following conditions have to be met:

  • The sponsor and sponsored person must be able to prove their relationship whether the child is naturally born to the parent or adopted.
  • In case the adoption is in the final phase the sponsor may apply for sponsorship until the adoption is finalized.
  • The Canadian citizen/permanent resident sponsor and the sponsored child must be approved by the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to receive a visa.
  • The child to be adopted can be adopted inside or outside of Canada.
  • The sponsor must be able to prove that he/she can take care of the adopted child by providing evidence of being able to provide food, shelter, clothing health, etc.

How to Adopt a Child for Sponsorship?

To adopt a child for sponsorship from another country the following criteria must be met:

  • The sponsor must be a permanent resident or Canadian Citizen.
  • The sponsor must reside in Canada. In case the sponsor is not in Canada at the time of applying he/she will eventually have to live in Canada.
  • The sponsor must be at least 18 years of age.
  • The sponsor must not have any default alimony or child support payments.
  • The criminal record of the sponsor has to be clean especially free of violent crimes such as sexual misconduct.
  • For the child to eventually become a permanent resident in Canada the sponsor will have to live full time in Canada.

Child Adoption Process:

The child adoption process will take place in the child’s home country according to the adoption laws of that country. To adopt children under 18 years of age the adoption must:

  • Be processed outside of Canada
  • Or be processed in Canada

(The place where the adoption will take place depends upon the laws of the home country.)

The following steps will have to be taken:

  • The child must be adopted legally in his/her home country.
  • A legal end to the child’s biological parents must be carried out.
  • Informed consent must be sent to the biological parents.
  • A parent-child relationship between the sponsor and adopted child must be made in the best interests of the child.
  • All legal requirements of the province the sponsor is residing in must be met.
  • The child being adopted has to take a medical exam before arriving in Canada.
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